삼성갤럭시폰 찾기 분실 휴대폰 위치 추적 스마트싱스 파인드로 가능

It’s the first screen you’ll see when you log in. At this time, you need a Samsung account. At the top of the ‘Lost Device Protection’ menu, you can check the Samsung account ID, so let’s log in by referring to it.The most important thing to use this function is activation of the function. It is the ‘Allow offline search’ function. I emphasize once again. This function must be turned on in advance to track the location and respond to loss. If it is not turned on in advance, it is of no use. Most of you who read this will have searched for this article after losing your phone. Then it is already late. However, if you think, ‘Didn’t you turn it on?’ you have to read the text to the end. This is because my phone’s location can be tracked on other people’s phones. First of all, it will be urgent, so let’s find out how to do it right away. ConditionIn particular, if you select the location tracking function, you can find the location of your mobile phone every 15 minutes. If you click on the entered time, the current location of your mobile phone will be displayed on the map.If you zoom in on the map, it will even be marked as an apartment building.You need to activate the offline find function. You need to know the ID and password of your Samsung account. This is the most important information to use this function. The importance of the first condition was explained above. Samsung accounts are also a problem because I already lost my phone. You rarely use a Samsung account in your daily life. If your Galaxy phone is next to you, you can make a rough guess because your account is logged in. So make sure to check your Samsung account in advance to make the best use of this function. How to set it upYou have to set it up on your Galaxy phone. So it’s a feature that doesn’t work after it’s already lost. This is the first thing you’ll do when you buy a phone. Go to the Settings – Security and Privacy – Lost Device Protection menu. For your information, my phone is currently a Samsung phone that has been updated to OneUI 6.0. The design or location of the menu that you see may be slightly different. The functions are all the same, so don’t worry and try following them.After losing your phone, it’s useless to hit the ground and regret it. The probability of finding it is almost slim. That’s why manufacturers have installed functions such as loss prevention and location tracking. Most of the important things are that they do not even know that they have this function and rush to look for it after losing it, but it will be too late. In this text, we will learn how to use SmartThings Find, a location tracking service that can be used on Samsung Galaxy phones. Let’s learn well to prevent loss. Allow offline search스마트싱스 잃어버린 무언가 찾기 스마트싱스 찾기로 갤럭시 폰, 태블릿, 시계 및 기타 장치를 찾으세요. 구글 플레이 > 윈도우 스토어 > 모든 장치 찾기 스마트싱스 찾기로 갤럭시 폰, 태블릿, 시계, 이어버드 및 를 찾을 수 있도록 도와줍니다At the top right, you can also see menus that can control the current device. They include ringing or disabling sounds, tracking locations, deleting data, and increasing battery time.Then how do I find it with my friend’s phone? You can log in to the SmartThings site above from your friend’s phone. The first login to the site would have been to your friend’s Samsung account. Log out of the left menu and access your account. Then I can check the location of my phone. If you lost it outside, it will be difficult to use your laptop or PC urgently. In this case, let’s use your friend and family phone.This is the first screen I can see when I log in. My Samsung phone is currently active on the map. Other devices connected to my Samsung account are displayed on the left. Galaxy Buds, Watches, Smart Tags, and more can all be found through this feature.I will access it from my laptop or PC because I lost my phone. Let’s search for ‘SmartThings Find’ in the search box or access it through the link above.How to locate and prevent loss of your phone by finding a device in Samsung What is the first thing you should do if you lose your phone? Report loss? Card suspension? Of course, it’s important… blog.naver.comThe most important thing to track where Samsung Galaxy phones are lost is to have offline search enabled. You need to know the ID and password of your Samsung account. These are all. The rest is a time battle.If you’ve learned your phone in a bad way, you’ll be the first to turn it off. So if you know you lost it, you should lock your phone first. Fortunately, SmartThings Find also offers this function. Please check it out in the next article for more information. How to stop losing your Samsung phone and turning it offThe sound ringing function is to sound at the maximum volume for one minute, even if the mobile phone is vibrated or silent. If the phone is on, it will definitely ring, so if you lost it near your house, make sure to try it.To summarize today’s post,

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